How to improve the surface whitening of TPE raw materials

One of the reasons for the surface problems of TPE injection molding parts is the poor quality of raw materials, which is also related to the uneven dispersion of formula, and secondly, it is related to some parameter settings in the injection molding process. So what is the reason for the whitening of TPE elastomer surface? Causes of surface whitening of TPE raw material products: 1. The additive (such as internal release agent and fluorescent whitening agent, etc.) is added excessively, and the additive migrates and precipitates from the surface of the product after the product is placed for a period of time. Too much calcium carbonate may cause the product to be scratch-resistant and easy to scratch white, but the white powder which is easy to wipe clean belongs to the situation of precipitation on the surface of the product. 2. The surface of the product has poor friction resistance and scratch resistance. Scratched by external friction, it is easy to cause the white filling powder in TPE compound to expose the surface of the material, and the surface of the product looks white. 3. The white powdery auxiliary agent in TPE compound precipitates (one substance A dissolves in another substance B, which migrates and seeps out of the substance B due to excessive addition and time factor), permeates the surface of the material, and produces white powder. This kind of white material can usually be gently wiped off with a rag or hand. But after a while, white powder will appear again. 4. Different materials have different solubility for different compounding ingredients. Therefore, as a formula designer, it is necessary to fully test the solubility of various base materials for various compounding ingredients in order to effectively control frost spraying. The reasons for the whitening of TPE elastomer surface are analyzed for everyone first. In view of the precipitation whitening, the easier way is to wipe the surface of TPE products repeatedly after soaking the solvent with a rag, but most of the time, white powder will reappear. For more information about TPE raw material performance, please contact Dechuang Chemical at any time, and we will serve you wholeheartedly!
德创化工 (edit:dechuang)

Dongguan Dechuang Chemical Co., Ltd.


Contact number:138 2720 9711

Company address:Building B of Dajingjiu Plastic City, Changping Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province