What is the reason why the TPE-coated ABS material does not wrap well?
TPE packaging materials can be divided into real bags and fake bags. Real bags have good effects, high prices, and fake bags are cheap. The above customer said that he bought a real bag. Why is the TPE adhesive ABS bag not tight? After the technical analysis of Dechuang Chemical Company, the following two points are made.
One is to have compatilizer in TPE formula and the other is to have sufficient injection temperature. Both are indispensable.
1. Analysis of TPE Encapsulated Material: The formula of TPE must contain components that are compatible or sticky with ABS, which means that not every brand of TPE encapsulated with ABS is acceptable.
2. Secondary injection molding temperature. The injection molding temperature must ensure that the material is fully plasticized to achieve the fluidity required for injection molding. At the same time, the activity of ABS compatilizer in TPE formula is increased, and the TPE and ABS can penetrate each other at the encapsulation contact interface within a few tens of seconds, so that TPE and ABS can be firmly bonded.
The above is the analysis of why TPE-coated ABS is not firm, which is made up by Dongguan Dechuang Chemical Co., Ltd. I believe you have a certain understanding of TPE-coated ABS after reading this article. Dechuang Chemical Co., Ltd. suggests that when looking for TPE-coated ABS material suppliers, it is recommended to find regular TPE manufacturers who can provide appropriate TPE formula and brand according to the requirements of users.
德创化工 (edit:dechuang)
Dongguan Dechuang Chemical Co., Ltd.
Contact number:138 2720 9711
Company address:Building B of Dajingjiu Plastic City, Changping Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province